Monday, December 7, 2009

around the Arias homestead - part 1

Jason and Eleanor (our Australian co-WWOOFer and friend) weeding the massively weedy pois chiche (chickpea) field.
our friends the goats!
Jason's primary weed killing tool for the field
Funny geese that greeted us every day we worked in the pois chiche field. They lived with the goats next door to the field.

Jason wrapping up stick bundles, these go in the old school bread oven!

Jason with his hoe, coming from the pois chiche field.

View of the 2 buildings from the front driveway
The steps led to the entry way of our (WWOOF-er) part of the house.
The front room on the left (where the window is) was where the family made bread once a week.

Tool shed on the right, recycling room in the middle, and cellar on the left. Oh, and there was a bee operation in the tool shed too (more pics later!)
The entrance to the main house where the family lived.

Splitting wood!
I'm pretty sure this is the chair that ripped Jason's shorts...they were never the same.
Nini the cat!
Jason is shaking out the rocks for the Torchis wall we're building.
(More on torchis/cob building later)
Weeding! (and actually learning about plants)

This is Jason taking one of his many breaks, haha! (it was a much deserved break of course.)
A post-work swim in the clay pool! That's Jason's head on the left. And the little house that floats in the middle is for the duck, which I took to naming Renard.
Jason in the kitchen - nice mural!
the view from our kitchen window
our hangout space!

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